01 Apr Water Research Fellowship Program Ceremony
MEDRC and the Palestinian Water Authority jointly hosted an event to bring together current students and alumni of the Water Research Fellowships. The event was well attended, with over 85 participants from the major universities in Gaza. The event provided an opportunity to meet other Water Research Fellows from Gaza, to build connections and to thank the supervisors and committee staff who have helped make this program possible.
The welcome remarks and introductions were offered by Eng. Monther Issa Shoblaq, CMWU Director General (on behalf of Eng Rebhi Al Sheikh, Deputy Director of the PWA); Ms Helen Twist, MEDRC Development Cooperation Manager, Dr. Fahid Rabah, Dean, Engineering Faculty Islamic University of Gaza and Ms Najma Fares, an alumni of the program, who completed her research at Al Azhar university.
The Water Research Fellowships are a unique initiative to support research capacity in Jordan and the Palestinian Territories. MEDRC offers the opportunity to undertake postgraduate study at universities in Jordan, the West Bank and Gaza. MEDRC Fellowships are offered in partnership with the Palestinian Water Authority and the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Jordan. MEDRC Research Fellows are committed to the further development of water management, desalination or reuse in their respective countries. Alumni are part of an extensive network, stimulating international dialogue and cross-cultural exchange.
This Program is made possible with the kind support of the Government of the Netherlands.